Urban Planning

The majority of Cadre staff and partners have a degree in town and regional planning and are registered professional and / or candidate town planners with the South African National Council for Planners (SACPLAN). Cadre is well resourced with eleven senior planning partners (with more than 20 years’ experience each).
Town and regional planning, also known as urban planning, plays a vital role in shaping the development and growth of cities and regions within South Africa. The practice of urban planning in the country involves various stakeholders, policies, and strategies to create sustainable, inclusive, and well-designed urban built environments. Key aspects of urban planning in South Africa include:
Legal Frameworks:
Town and regional planning in South Africa is governed by legislation, primarily the Spatial Planning and Land Use Management Act (SPLUMA) of 2013. SPLUMA aims to promote integrated and sustainable development, establish effective planning systems, and facilitate public participation in the planning process.
Spatial Development Frameworks:
Spatial Development Frameworks (SDFs) are strategic medium-to-long term plans that guide the long-term development of cities and regions. SDFs outline the vision, goals, and policies for land use, transportation, housing, infrastructure, and environmental conservation. They provide a framework for decision-making and ensure coordination between different sectors and stakeholders.
Integrated Development Plans:
Integrated Development Plans (IDPs) are prepared by local municipalities in South Africa and serve as a comprehensive roadmap for development within their jurisdictions. IDPs incorporate various aspects of planning, including land use, infrastructure, social development, and economic growth. They align with national and provincial policies and involve public participation in their formulation.
Zoning and Land Use:
Zoning regulations play a crucial role in urban planning. Municipalities in South Africa designate different zones for specific land uses, such as residential, commercial, industrial, and recreational. These zoning regulations help guide the location and type of development within a municipality and ensure compatibility between land uses.
Environmental Considerations:
Urban planning in South Africa places significant emphasis on environmental sustainability. This includes considerations for biodiversity, green spaces, energy efficiency, water conservation, waste management, and climate change adaptation. Environmental impact assessments are often required for major development projects to mitigate potential negative effects on the environment.
Transportation and Mobility:
Transportation planning is a key aspect of urban planning in South Africa. It involves the design and management of transportation infrastructure, including road networks, public transportation systems, cycling lanes, and pedestrian-friendly environments. The aim is to promote efficient, safe, and sustainable mobility options while reducing congestion and reliance on private vehicles.
Social and Affordable Housing:
Promoting access to adequate and affordable housing is an important aspect of town and regional planning. South Africa faces significant housing challenges, including a shortage of affordable housing and the presence of informal settlements. Planners work towards developing housing policies, facilitating housing developments, and integrating housing projects with social amenities and transportation networks.
Public Participation:
Public participation is a fundamental principle of town and regional planning in South Africa. Planners actively engage with local communities, stakeholders, and residents to ensure their voices are heard in decision-making processes. Public participation fosters inclusivity, transparency, and accountability in the planning process, allowing for more responsive and contextually appropriate outcomes.
Urban Regeneration and Redevelopment:
Urban regeneration and redevelopment projects aim to revitalise and upgrade deteriorated or underutilised areas within cities. These initiatives often involve the adaptive reuse of existing buildings, the creation of mixed-use districts, and the enhancement of public spaces. Urban regeneration projects contribute to economic growth, social integration, and the improvement of the overall urban environment.
Town and regional planning in South Africa is a complex and dynamic process that seeks to balance various social, economic, and environmental factors. Planners play a critical role in envisioning and implementing sustainable and inclusive urban development strategies that contribute to the well-being of residents and the overall growth of the country.
Cadre's urban planners complement each other, each with expertise in the following fields:
Project and programme management
Strategic planning
Metropolitan Planning
Precinct planning
Urban design
Property economics and valuations
Local government corporate planning
Socio-economic studies
Integrated development planning
Development facilitation
Housing development
Urban Planning Projects
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