Leadership Development & Facilitation

Cadre combines its wide range of expertise to facilitate Leadership teams development for the betterment of individual and collective efforts. At Cadre, driving a participative and collaborative dialogue across various fields—forms the founding principles to establish a social compact to accelerate growth and development.
We strive for strategic conversations that steer individuals and teams to take action towards their intended goals. We believe that beyond strategies, the will to take action is the first obstacle. Through industry expertise, we plan appropriate group processes to facilitate understanding and advance solutions architecture.
We enhance learning for everyone through inspiring a sharing environment that builds common purpose and accountability. Our central goal is to advance pragmatic and integrative group-based solutions to human development issues. We do this by assisting teams to:
Clarify Goals
Generate insights for Strategic Choices
Identify, plan steps for action and to mitigate obstacles
Advance integrative solutions to secure a viable and sustainable future
Cadre has a reputable industry track record in advancing service delivery dialogues with key stakeholders. We employ industry specialists in areas of (1) economics (2) policy and governance (3) spatial planning and human settlements (4) project management and (2) property development to offer leading approaches in internalising co-creation.
Our lead facilitators, Nellie Lester and Mpumi Ramatsoga—bring together years of experience in the development sector in the fields of executive leadership practice. institutional governance and human sciences respectively. We combine technical and soft skills expertise to usher purposeful engagements towards real results. Our services include:
Public participation processes towards Stakeholder Management
Leadership training and workshops for common purpose
Key message communication & awareness campaigns
Expert panel research for strategic conversations
Policy research and development to achieve developmental goals
Over the years we have enhanced our practice to be simple and user friendly for a wide range of stakeholders from executive teams, community members, councillors, to institutional leaders. Our facilitation approach seeks to inspire and promote a genuine interest and accountability framework to deliver on desired goals.
This approach is built on the principles of:
Creativity “generating and prototyping many varied ideas”,
Empathy “ability to understand and appreciate the views of others”, and,
Metacognition “ability to reflect and understand our own thinking”, Riel and Martin (2017).
A selected list of successful engagements include:
Municipal dialogue on advancing economic recovery and reconstruction plans through the South African Local Government Association (SALGA).
Investigating the impact of Covid-19 on urban planning in Gauteng through the Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs.
Facilitating a strategic planning workshop for the political and administrative leadership of Moses Kotane Local Municipality through the Municipal Capability and Partnership Programme (MCPP).
Leadership Development & Facilitation Projects
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