Reinier Minny
B (T&RP), M Phil. (Housing Development and Management)
Pr. Pln. A/2415/2016
Position: Managing Executive Cadre Group
Local government expertise:
Integrated Development Planning (IDP)
Performance Management Systems (PMS)
Policies and bylaws
Organisational alignment to IDP and Budget
Spatial Development Frameworks (SDF)
Land use management systems (LUMS)
Local economic development
Property development expertise:
Property development facilitation and management
Project management of development projects
Management of town planning applications
Housing: project and delivery management
Urban design approaches
Mobile Phone: +27 (0) 81 265 0800
E-mail: reinier@cadreplan.co.za
After three years in national government, Reinier started a town planning firm, specialising in strategic planning and affordable housing. His 26-year career also includes being an acting municipal manager in a district and local municipality. After specialising in corporate governance, project management and strategic planning in South African Local Government, he expanded his horizon, practising strategic planning and project management at the Australian State Government. His consultancy services as a town planning and project management expert are currently used by local government and property developers.